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How to crack a PC-based FLEXlm licensemanager.
Written by pilgrim

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FLEXlm, FLEXcrypt
This article was inspired by the tutorial by SiuL+Hacky onhow to crack XprismPro 1.0. The above program ran on Linux, butmy target ran on Windows 95/NT. The aim of this tutorial is toexpand on some of the ideas in the first tutorial and to detailthe differences encountered on the PC.
Tools required
FLEXlm programmers kit: http://www.flexlm.com
Hiew v5.66.
IDA v3.75.
W32Dasm v8.9.

1. Get hold of the flexlm programmerskit from www.flexlm.com. It needs a key to decrypt the file. S+Hdetails how to crack it, or ask FLEXlm. Once you've got it installedthe main files of interest are :-

lm_code.h :- This is where you want to put in all the targetkey information.
lm_client.h :- Contains useful function prototypes and error codes.
GenLic32.exe :- this program checks the keys and generates licensesfor you.

I'd also recommend reading the HTML manual.

2. Find the easy information using lc_init().

Using W32Dasm, decompile your target application and the vendordaemon DLL it uses (e.g. lmgr326a.dll). Load up the target EXEand set break points wherever the lc_init() function is called.Run your target until it breaks. Looking at the prototype forlc_init in lm_client.h we see :-

job will be NULL as it's the first one.
job_id will be a pointer for the job structure to be filled bythe function.

The things of interest for us are the Vendor_id and Vendor_key.Vendor_id is just a text string.

Again looking in lm_client.h we see :-

In the above structure, data[0] = encryption seed 1 XORed withvendor key 5, data[1] = encryption seed 2 XORed with vendor key5, keys[0.3] = vendor keys 1 to 4, behavior_ver[] = string containingFLEXlm version ( in this case = '06.0'). So all thestuff above will be pushed onto the stack prior to calling lc_init().Looking at the disassembly we see :-

PUSH 00528DC8 <-- pointer to code structure.

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->'VENDOR'
PUSH 00525AE4 <-- pointer to vendor ID string.

* Reference To: LMGR326A.lc_init, Ord:0034h

OK, so we've got the vendor ID string (in this case 'VENDOR'),looking at memory address 00528DC8 we see the code structure :-

[00528DC8] - 00000004 ..
[00528DCC] - ab5e32e5 .?^. <-- seed 1 XORed with key5
[00528DD0] - 7bc6313d =1.{ <-- seed 2 XORed with key5
[00528DD4] - fc62965d ].l. <-- key 1
[00528DD8] - 853df75c 7=. <-- key 2
[00528DDC] - 2f324f23 #O:. <-- key 3
[00528DE0] - 1133e43b ;.3. <-- key 4
[00528DE4] - 00000006 .. <-- version and revision
[00528DE8] - 36300069 i.06 <-- patch and behaviour_ver
[00528DEC] - 0000302e .0. <--

Nugen Lm Correct

So we've got 4 keys and two XORed encryption keys.

4. Find your feature names. You need these to make up a workinglicense file. Clear the breakpoints on lc_init() function callsand set breaks on calls to lc_checkout. Looking at lm_client.hagain we see :-

The call looks like :-

PUSH 00004000
PUSH 00528DC8 <-- code structure
PUSH 00000000
PUSH 00000001
PUSH EAX <-- version
PUSH ECX <-- feature name

* Reference To: LMGR326A.lc_checkout, Ord:0022h

OK, so we've got a feature name. Now have a look round andlook for similar names, your target may use more than one.

5. Make your first license.dat file. Modify the lm_code.h fileto contain the encryption seeds, and vendor keys 1 to 4. Set vendorkey 5 to 0 for now. Run genlic32.exe, if it throws up an errormessage then you haven't typed in the keys correctly in lm_code.h.Enter the feature name as found above. Click on 'permanent' and'run anywhere' so you don't need a server daemon running. Clickon 'make license', fill in the filename license.dat and click'Make license'. Have a look at the licence file, it'll look somethinglike :-

6. Finding vendor key 5. Like S+H, I didn't believe vendorkey 5 could be unknown by the daemon, it had to be made on thefly. It appears to be made up of all 4 vendor keys and the vendorname. So it could be a checksum for the vendor info?. FLEXlm providesthe 5 keys based on your vendor name, so they'll want to checksumit somehow. If you get keys 1 to 4 or the vendor id wrong in lm_code.hthen genlic32.exe won't like it.

Lm Correct Crack

OK this bit is more tricky, but keep at it and you'll get there.Start W32Dasm again and load your target ready to read your nicenew license file. Break on lc_checkout in your target EXE. Loadup the daemon DLL (in the active DLLs window double-click on thedaemon DLL). Start single-stepping through. There's lots of callsto undocumented functions, but keep stepping into them. Here'sthe edited highlights of how it went for me :-

Read and check the licence.dat file :-

Then we got into some functions with lots of XORs. This looksgood as we want to XOR our two encryption seeds. We can see thekeys 1,2,3 and 4 and the vendor ID getting read and XORed. Thenwe hit some code :-

CALL 10021160 <-- Get vendor key 5 in EBX.
ADD ESP, 0000000C
MOV EAX, DWORD PTR [EDI+04] <- Seed 1 from license.dat.
XOR EAX, EBX <-- Seed 1 XOR key5.
MOV DWORD PTR [EBP-54], EAX <-- Store Seed 1.
MOV EAX, DWORD PTR [EDI+08] <-- Seed 2 from license.dat.
XOR EAX, EBX <-- Seed 2 XOR key5.
MOV DWORD PTR [EBP-50], EAX <-- Store Seed 2.

* Reference To: LMGR326A.l_extract_date
CALL 10004B98


So we've just got key5, and the XORed seeds1 and 2.

7. Make your final license.dat. In lm_code.h, replace yourtwo seeds and key5. Run genlic32.exe and make your completed licencefile.
Final Notes

As Siul+Hacky mentioned, the only security here is that ofsecrecy. Thanks to Siul+ for the initial hard work.

FurtherFLEXcrypt analysis, 7th January 1999.

One of the first stages in analysing FLEXlm is to crack theencryption used to package it. FLEXcrypt is produced by GlobetrotterSoftware Inc. and seems to share may commonalities with FLEXlm.This document analyses the FLEXcrypt en/de-cryption program toa stage that allows decryption of any FLEXcrypted package. Thisin turn leads into some interesting areas worthy of further investigation.

For a full explanation you'll need to download two files: flexlm5.12and flexlm6.1. The site also contains many other FLEXcrypted filesto practise on.

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FLEXcrypt uses a rolling XOR based scheme to encrypt a file.It uses the same key on 8 bytes, recalculates the key, then continuesthrough the file. The key is in some way based on the passkeyyou must find for correct decryption. The passkey is of the formatxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-nn where the x are hexadecimal numbers andnn ranges from 00 to 99 decimal. The hex numbers are in some wayrelated to your PC ( hard disc number / network card number ).

The nn specifies which of 100 keys was used to encrypt thefile. Only one nn value decrypts the file correctly. There isa table which stores 100 passkey related values in the decryptionexecutable. There are many versions of FLEXcrypt available, butthere is basically a 16bit and 32bit. Both use the same encryptionmethod. 32bit introduces a file header with some sort of file/passkeycheck data included.

All FLEXcrypt files may easily be decrypted correctly usingthe 32bit decryption program. The decryption program is packagedwith the install files and is usually called something like cryptwin.exe.

Command line options for decrypt.exe :-

-p xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-nn : the passkey

-t Z *.fc : decrypt all .fc extension files to files with .Zextension

-d n : debug mode, n can take values 1,2,3 each displayingdiffering formats of debug info

Stage 1 : how to decrypt the files

Run the install.exe from the downloaded FLEXlm 5.12. This willextract all the files needed for the install. Run setup.exe

You'll be asked for the FLEXlm decryption key in the formatxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx. Cancel the install. We see a setup.insfile : InstallShield is here. Use isdcc to decompile the installscript. Have a look for the text we saw earlier, xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx,and we see :-

AskText('Please enter in your decryption key. It shouldbe of the form xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx . If you do not have thiskey, you can obtain it by calling Globetrotter Software at (408)370-2800. If you do not have a key at this time, please presscancel to end t', 'xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx', string15);

This decodes to :-

cryptwin.exe -p xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx -t Z *.fc (where xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxwould be the numbers you type).

-p option is password, -t is convert *.FC into *.Z type.

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So rename cryptw~1.exe to it's full title, cryptwin.exe, andtry cryptwin.exe -p 0000-0000-0000-0000-00 -t Z *.fc. We end upwith zero length Z files. Not too good. Cryptwin is 16-bit, solet's use IDA to dissassemble it. At this moment I'm interestedin command line options so let's have a look.

Searching for -p gives us a function at loc_8B6_6C which lookslike a command line parser. It seems to also accept -x -o -i -eand -d options. What's -d? debug? There's references to DEBUGin the exe, let's try it. A bit of experimenting shows there are3 debug levels, with varying outputs, 1 writes a log file, 2 displayson the screen, 3 uses pop-up windows.

Stage 2 : Get a valid passkey

32bit's easier to debug than 16bit so let's abandon FLEXlm5.12 for now and try FLEXlm 6.1. Clear the WindowsTemp directoryand run the FLEXlm 6.1 install. When prompted for the key presscancel and copy all the files into another work directory.

Let's try cryptwin.exe -d 3 -p 0000-0000-0000-0000-00 -t Z*.fc again.

Again we end up with a zero length Z file. Dissasemble cryptwin.exeusing W32Dasm. Load the program with the command line options-p 0000-0000-0000-0000-00 -t Z *.fc. Put a break-point on thereference to '%.4d-%.4d-%.4d-%.4d'. Run to the breakpoint then single step.

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->'%.4d-%.4d-%.4d-%.4d'

:00405E2F PUSH 0042B070
:00405E34 MOV ESI, 0042F360
:00405E39 PUSH ESI
:00405E3A CALL 0041E2E0
:00405E3F ADD ESP, 00000018

In this case there's a call to 0041E2E0 which returns ESI pointingto the processed string, which looks something like :-

[esi+00000000] - 7375
[esi+00000004] - -553
[esi+00000008] - 2-55
[esi+0000000C] - 21-5
[esi+00000010] - 871

This string appears to be related to machine specific itemssuch as hard disk number and network card number. This stringis the first four numbers of a potentially valid passkey. Thelast two digits are the key number used in the test. In this case00.

OK, we have a key to try, it's 7375-5532-5521-5871-00. So let'stry cryptwin.exe -d 3 -p 7375-5532-5521-5871-00 -t Z *.fc. Again,an error message and a zero file. We need to repeat the aboveprocess using keys 00 to 99 as the last two digits in the password.This would be a very slow process using W32Dasm. So modify thecryptwin program to generate a file with a name of each passkey.

Stage 2a: auto generate the passkeys

Copy your original cryptwin.exe to something else, I used dcrypt.exe.Using your favourite HEX editor, modify dcrypt.exe as follows:-

1). Just after ESI points to the passkey string, jump to someunused code space, replace :-

:00405E3F ADD ESP, 00000018
:00405E42 PUSH EDI
:00405E43 CALL 00405E54

With :-

:00405E3F ADD ESP, 00000018
:00405E42 JMP 00401828 (E9E1B9FFFF)

2). At this unused space, 00401828, replace the existing codewith :-

:00401828 6A00 PUSH 00000000
:0040182A 6880000000 PUSH 00000080
:0040182F 6A01 PUSH 00000001
:00401831 6A00 PUSH 00000000
:00401833 6A03 PUSH 00000003
:00401835 68000000C0 PUSH C0000000
:0040183A 8BC6 MOV EAX, ESI
:0040183C 50 PUSH EAX

* Reference To: KERNEL32.CreateFileA, Ord:0030h

:0040183D E8CC760200 CALL 00428F0E <-- create thefile.
:00401842 50 PUSH EAX

* Reference To: KERNEL32.CloseHandle, Ord:0017h

:00401843 FF15BC324300 CALL DWORD PTR [004332BC] <--close the file handle.

* Reference To: KERNEL32.ExitProcess, Ord:006Ah

:00401849 FF158C324300 CALL DWORD PTR [0043328C] <--end the program.

Now run the dcrypt.exe with the command line options -p 0000-0000-0000-0000-00-t Z *.fc

You should get a file of name 7375-5532-5521-5871. Now write2 batch files to run through 00 to 99 and store the results :-

This gives 100 files with potential passkeys to try. Note thatthese passkeys will differ on different machines. So now we wantto try each one and see when we get a valid result. DIR all thefiles into a text file and run a macro to get something like cryptwin-p 7375-5532-5521-5871-00 -t cab data1.fc, pause .. etc for eachkey. I checked the size of the decrypted file after each try.It's non-zero when it's been decrypted correctly. (further work:you may be able to use the debug error level to tell you whenit's worked). You'll eventually end up with the correct key foryour machine. Once you've got it you can then use it to decryptall the fc files.

Stage 3: Repackage so you don't need the key again.

It would be wise to repackage the FLEXlm 6.1 so you don't needthe key again. Delete the cryptwin.exe and the *.Z files thentry installing again. You can now enter any passkey and FLEXlm6.1 will install.

Stage 4: Try decrypting another package.

Let's try the passkey we got above with the 16 bit FLEXlm 5.12.No good. That's because the 16bit cryptwin.exe has a differentset of keys stored in it's executable. OK, so let's try decryptingthe 16bit FC files using the 32bit cryptwin. This may work aswe know the key for the 32bit decrypter. Well, we get some Z files,no error messages, but the files are corrupt. Open up a Z filewith your favourite hex editor and have a look. Hmmm, lots ofrepeating 8 byte patterns.

Looks like we've decrypted the file but with the wrong startvalue.

Stage 4a: A diversion .. partial analysis of file decryption

Time to look at how crypwin.exe decrypts the fc file. Openup the disassembled cryptwin.exe from FLEXlm 6.1, and look at00402D1D (Some dissassembly has been removed) :-

1). Read the file and see if it contains the 'FLEXcryptCopyright' signature. If it does then this is a new 32bitgenerated file, else it's a 16bit file.

:00402D1D PUSH EBP
:00402D58 PUSH ECX
:00402D59 CALL 0041D430 <- fread 'FlexCryp' fromthe file.

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->'FLEXcryptCopyright (C) 1990-1997, 'Globetrotter Software, Inc.'

:00402D66 PUSH 0042AE70
:00402D6B PUSH ECX
:00402D6C CALL 0041F240 <- Compare the 2 strings.
:00402D71 ADD ESP, 0000000C
:00402D74 TEST EAX, EAX
:00402D76 JNZ 00402DF1 <- Jump if it's 16bit straight to decryptfile.

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2). This is a 32bit file with a valid header. The analysisof this next section needs some more work, it may hold more clues.The code reads some sort of checksum from the file header. Thefirst 8 bytes of data are decrypted. The data is then comparedwith something and a pass/fail is determined.

:00402D78 PUSH [EBP+08]
:00402D7B PUSH EBX
:00402D7C PUSH 00000068 <- 104 bytes of header data.
:00402D84 PUSH ECX
:00402D85 CALL 0041D430 <- read the header data.
:00402D8A ADD ESP, 00000010
:00402D90 PUSH [EBP+08]
:00402D93 PUSH EBX
:00402D94 PUSH 00000008
:00402D96 PUSH EDX
:00402D97 CALL 0041D430 <- read the first 8 bytes of data.
:00402D9C ADD ESP, 00000010
:00402DA8 PUSH ECX
:00402DA9 PUSH EDX
:00402DAB CALL 004082C8 <- get an 8 byte key?.
:00402DB0 ADD ESP, 0000000C
:00402DB3 MOV ECX, 000000FF

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->'%02x%03d%03d'

:00402DC3 PUSH 0042AE60
:00402DC8 PUSH ECX
:00402DC9 CALL 0041E2E0 <- sprintf first 8 bytes.
:00402DCE ADD ESP, 00000014
:00402DD7 PUSH 00000008
:00402DD9 PUSH ECX
:00402DDB CALL 0041F200 <- string compare 8 bytes.
:00402DE0 ADD ESP, 0000000C
:00402DE5 JZ 00402DF8 <- passkey OK, continue to decrypt thefile.
:00402DE7 MOV EAX, 00001001
:00402DEC JMP 00402EA6 <- fail, abort with error code.

3). Decrypt the file, 8 bytes at a time.

:00402DF1 MOV [EBP-08], 00000001
:00402E76 LEA ECX, DWORD PTR [EBP-10]
:00402E79 PUSH EAX
:00402E7D PUSH ECX
:00402E7E PUSH EDX
:00402E7F CALL 004082C8 <- get an 8 byte key?.
:00402E84 ADD ESP, 0000000C
:00402E87 XOR EAX, EAX
:00402E89 MOV CL, BYTE PTR [EBP+EAX-2C] <- XOR 8 bytes.
:00402E8D XOR BYTE PTR [EBP+EAX-1C], CL <- with key.
:00402E91 INC EAX
:00402E92 CMP EAX, 00000008
:00402E95 JL 00402E89 <- loop 8 times.

Stage 5: XOR the incorrectly decrypted file

As mentioned above, it's as if we've used the wrong start pointto decrypt the FC file. And from the analysis above we can seeit's an XOR decryption. So how about finding some likely lookingzeros in the file. XOR of zero with a key is zero. If we XOR thefile with the value stored at a zero we may get a working file.Open up the html.Z that comes with FLEXlm 5.12 with your HEX editor.I spy lots of repeats at 40hex, in my case, d361f5a2006ebb12.Let's try XORing the whole file with d361f5a2006ebb12. I wrotea little C program to do this, (main parts only shown) :-

Run this on the files and they look like they should work,but they're still corrupt.

Stage 6: correct the first 8 bytes of the file

The problem is the first 8 bytes of the data are not correct.Further work: I think the first 8 bytes have something to do withthe initial decrypt value. This doesn't pose a problem as FLEXcryptis typically used to encrypt files with known headers. For aninstallshield Z file the first 8 bytes are 13,5D,65,8C,3A,01,02,00.For an installshield CAB file the first 8 bytes are 49,53,63,28,04,00,00,01.So I modified my XOR code to skip the first 8 bytes and replacethem with the correct header :-

Run this and your encrypted files are now decrypted. As before,remove the cryptwin.exe and the FC files and your installationwill now accept any passkey.

FLEXcrypt further work

Now we can decrypt ANY FLEXcrypted file. This includes theFLEXcrypt developers kit. So download this, decrypt it and weget a useful html manual and some source code. Have a look a mycode.cand cryptkit.h. It appears that the kit uses FLEXlm license datato encrypt the keys stored in the code. There's an array fc_keytab[256]stored in the cryptwin.exe which contains the 8 bytes keys touse XORed with vendorkey5. As we know from FLEXlm cracking, vendorkey5is the hard one to find. And we also know it's calculated on thefly from the other vendor codes.

So maybe cryptwin.exe has the necessary license data storedin it's EXE?. Using your favourite HEX editor open up cryptwin.exefrom FleLm 6.1. Have a look at offset 002A5C0, I think this isthe fc_keytab table. Looking at the rest of the code it seemsto have lots of FLEXlm code embedded in it. And we've crackedthis before. So maybe, by analysis of the cryptwin.exe and theFC file it may be possible to determine which key will work, withoutall the effort above.


The above document shows how we can decrypt ANY FLEXcryptedfile. Further work may show the essence of FLEXcrypt and it'srelationship with FLEXlm. Thanks to the people out there who continueto reveal the light.


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