Dompdf Install New Fonts

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Active3 years, 8 months ago
  1. Dompdf Page Numbers
  2. Dompdf Tutorial

I'm Using DOM PDF 0.6.0 Beta 2. I want to use custom fonts (Fonts: 'Segeo Print', 'Lucida Handwriting','Airplanes in the Night Sky') in PDF file.

To add new font Arvo in DOMPdf I updated file dompdf_font_family_cache.dist. Adding new font in dompdf. I included font files in lib/fonts directory I added. Wanted to give back to the community what we have implemented in our dompdf, css, and WordPress. Fonts defaulting back to Times New. Fonts to dompdf. There are several ways to install fonts on both Windows 7 and Windows 8. This is a new feature in Windows 7. To add a new font to your computer: 1. PDFs internally support Helvetica, Times-Roman, Courier & Zapf-Dingbats, but if you wish to use other fonts you will need to install some fonts. Dompdf supports the same fonts as the underlying PDF backends: Type 1 (.pfb with the corresponding.afm) and TrueType (.ttf).

I followed the guidelines to install and use fonts in my PHP Code, which is given here

But I'm not able to get desire fonts in my PDF. You can find my code in this post. Please Let me know how I can resolve this issue.

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3 Answers

  1. go to your DOMPDF folder
  2. copy your font's as .ttf (TrueType Font) or .otf (OpenType Font) into the DOMPDF's root
  3. open your command line and run
  4. DOMPDF now created Adobe Font Metrics and copied it to lib/fonts/* - you can now use it with
1,0714 gold badges18 silver badges29 bronze badges

If you want to install custom fonts to server without command based interfacethen you can do the following web based model to install the custom fonts


1- Download ejaz.php from here

There apparently was also an edition that is portable. Plus, you should check options for enabling warnings before executing files, removing duplicate records, removing temporary data, or for appending file that is lacking. • Minds its own business: Universal Extractor doesn’t pass as a competitor for much-evolved software such as WinZip, WinRar or 7-Zip since it lacks abilities that are archiving. Universal extractor download archive zip. Please bear in mind that it’s just meant to be used as a decompression energy. • To get rid of with: The reason it was built for is carried out nicely with each task although Universal Extractor’s features don’t quite make a list.

2- Put this file to root of dompdf and follow the instruction written in it

no need of root or command/terminal access

Kiwi cat tools 3 keygen. Thanks!


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Active7 months ago

To add new font Arvo in DOMPdf I updated file dompdf_font_family_cache.distand added following code -


I included font files in lib/fonts directoryI added style sheet in html -

But new font is not added in result pdf.Please help me to resolve this problem.

Raju ThakurRaju Thakur

Dompdf Page Numbers

3 Answers

Instead of manually modifying dompdf_font_family_cache you should use load_font.php or (in dompdf 0.6.0 beta 3) the web-based installer located at www/fonts.php.

Raju ThakurRaju Thakur

For windows with WAMP/XAMPP, etc..

  1. Windows Command Prompt (Win+R-> cmd)
  2. Go to C:wampwwwdompdf
  3. Copy the desired font to that folder
  4. Type (example)

C:wampwwwbinphpphp5.4.3php.exe load_font_php Consola consola.ttf

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In my case, I solved it:

  1. Installing load_font.php from here:

    1.1. Create a new file in your root folder from your project and save.

    1.2. Next, run this line in your command line: php load_font.php FONTNAME FONTPATH/fonts/EXAMPLEFONT.ttf

  2. Search and open the file dompdf_font_family_cache.php and update your file in this way (eg):

  3. Go to your PDF and use your font.

These few steps maybe solve the issue. :)


Dompdf Tutorial

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