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YANG YONGLIANG. Yang Yongliang ,1980(杨泳梁) is a Chinese artist engaged in contemporary art. His media includes Multimedia art, New media art, Video art, Virtual reality (VR) art , Experimental movie,Photography , Installation and Painting. Yang Yongliang exploits a connection between traditional art and the contemporary, implementing ancient oriental aesthetics and literati beliefs with modern language and digital techniques. His work has been exhibited internationally at museums and biennials, such as Thessaloniki Biennale in Greece (2009), Ullens Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing (2012), National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne (2012), Moscow Biennale (2013), Metropolitan Museum of Art New York (2013), Daegu Photo Biennale in Korea (2014), Singapore ArtScience Museum (2014), Modern Art Museum Paris (2015), Kunst und Kultur in Neuried e.V (2015), Fukuoka Asian Art Museum (2015), Somerest House London (2016, 2013), Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney (2016, 2011); collected by more than 20 public institutes including the British Museum, Brooklyn Museum, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, San Francisco Asian Art Museum and etc. Yang currently lives and works between New York and Shanghai.

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